Monday, June 23, 2014

Full English Tea

Wow, it's been awhile since my last post and I don't know where to start!  We've been busy the last year and have visited many great places.

This past Spring we found a neat little gem right here in Austin when helping my son with his "Texas Cultures" project for school.  His assignment was to research how English settlers influenced Texas culture.  So we visited a restaurant called FULL ENGLISH ( in South Austin where we enjoyed a proper British High Tea.

This hole in the wall is apparently very popular.  We had a hard time finding a place to park and it was quite crowded inside.

If you plan to go for Tea, reservations are required.  But feel free to stop by any time they're open for All-Day Breakfast or Friday Night Fish-n-Chips.  You can order the Big British Breakfast for $12 and pretend you're in jolly old England for a bit.  The breakfast includes "two bangers, two rashers British bacon, two fried farm eggs, pan-friend mushrooms, roasted tomatoes, & fried bread". And if you want all the above PLUS the traditional British Baked Beans for breakfast, then order the Full Monty!

But we were there for the High Tea...this time.  The menu for High Tea ($15/adult) included:

A pot of tea of your choice

Tea Sandwiches:
Cheddar cheese with house-made chutney,
Ham and mustard, Cucumber vinaigrette

Raisin Scones with Jam and Cream

and a selection of different cakes and biscuits (cookies)

What you see in the pictures above was service for 4 people.  It was delicious and very filling.  The scones were my favorite!  Ohhh that cream .....  And the cheese sandwich with chutney was an interesting combination that we'd never had before, but will definitely eat again.

I remembered to raise my pinky!

It was all delicious and we did our best to leave no crumbs behind!

We thoroughly enjoyed experiencing a taste of English Culture here in Texas.  And my son earned an A grade on his project!

Stay tuned for another blog exploring English culuture when I tell you about our summer vacation to London. Yep folks, the Griswolds, I mean the Bairds crossed the pond and what a trip it was!!

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